Here learning is full of interesting learning-based activities; be it academics or other events namely the Industry-Academia Meet, the JIS cultural fest; Fresher's meet, Industry visit and Social Services.
To add to these, there are quizzes, debates, games and sports mingled with routine classroom activities.
Our students participate in various events organized by CII, BCCI to augment their knowledge domain.
Department organizes different social activities like Blood Donation and free dental check-up camps. This is organized to encourage its students & staff to donate Blood, thereby sensitizing them on the importance of giving a part of them, resulting in saving lives.
We believe that the student-faculty interaction outside the classroom is very essential for the overall development of the student-academically and attitudinally both. The students have basically three kinds of needs viz. academic, emotional and career needs. The objectives of the "Mentorship Programme "are:
Several educational and cultural activities are regularly held after lecture hours. To name a few: Quiz Contest, Talent show Extempore Speech Competition, Poster Competition Debate Competition etc. Students have ample opportunities to organize or to participate in these activities.